Paul Babcock
Paul Babcock has twenty-nine years of experience in industrial electronic applications, as a technician, training specialist, service manager, project manager and applications and design engineer. Paul has worked with public entities and private organizations in fields ranging from avionics, power generation, telephony and alternative energy. He has broad experience designing and implementing custom communication and electronics systems in both the public and private sectors, and in developing large-scale communications solutions for the oil and gas industry. Paul is recognized for his expertise in alternative energy systems and power generation for companies and individuals, especially in remote locations. You can find the last three presentation by Paul, Magnetic Energy Secrets (Parts 1 & 2) and The Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification
* NOTE: Paul Babock will be giving two presentations, one on Friday morning (on Ethanol) and one on Saturday afternoon (on magnetics).
Presentation: ETHANOL MYTHS DEBUNKED – Virtually everything negative that has ever been said about Ethanol is false. Learn the real story, the benefits and how easy it is to make your own.
Presentation: MAGNETIC ENERGY SECRETS PART 3 – A continuation of the very empowering Parts 1 & 2 of this series. Paul shares several examples of how to prevent the magnetic clashing demanded by Lenz’s Law, which only applies to closed systems. By building open magnetic systems, Lenz’s Law can be either mitigated or completely avoided for higher performance magnetic systems with high efficiency and COPs.
Al Throckmorton – A long time humanitarian-minded energy science researcher with humanitarian goals of bringing clean water to areas that need it. Founder of The Lord’s Pump Project.
Presentation: LORDS PUMP PROJECT – A small isolated village of 2500 people in northern Uganda without potable water, electric power, access to fuel or funds asked for help. The majority of the community is made up of grandmothers and their grandchildren; their own sons and daughters Having been massacred in the great slaughter that occurred under their president Idi Imin a number of years ago.. Christ Aid was raising funds to help the 150 or so grandmothers. Water from a small mountain stream located miles away and behind a 500 ft. Ridge was carried back to the village daily in 5 gallon plastic pails. Christ Aid asked for help. A survey revealed the following; At 10 gal/day/person was required. (100 gal,day is the US standard. ) total 25,000/day. No power available. Limited funds. Plenty of labor. Adequate water from the stream year around. Plastic pipe was available and inexpensive. How to pump water 500 feet high to the village? As a consequence The Lord’s Pump Project was started. This paper presents the inspired answer: A plastic pump operating at 260 psi using the water pumped as the fuel. (The water providing the explosive gases??) The plasma ignition system will be featured including techniques for liberating explosive gas from water as well the creation of other elements in the plasma and the impact on our present model of the cosmos. The schematics and original proof of concept equipment will be on display and the current status as well as possible other applications will be discussed.

Aaron Murakami
Aaron Murakami has open sourced many gigabytes of his work in Energetic Forum for many years – that includes his work on the plasma ignition, the “Gray Tube”, the water fuel cell technology, the Ainslie inductive resistor circuits and others. He is also a founder of Energetic Forum and Energy Science Forum, which has a combined membership of over 100,000 and is the primary organizer for the Energy Science & Technology Conference. Aaron is committed to the development and distribution of highly disruptive information. He is a former health food store owner and has spearheaded many ventures. He is a consultant to several technology groups. His books include The Quantum Key and A Course in Mind Power. His invention of the world’s most efficient plasma ignition system that actually ignites water in an engine has been awarded a U.S. Patent.
Presentation: PLASMA IGNITION FOR WASTED SPARK IGNITION ENGINES – For the same amount of energy as a common CDI (Capacitive Discharge Ignition), Aaron can demonstrate a ball of plasma at the plug gap that is hundreds of times bigger and much faster. He didn’t invent this form of plasma effect, but he did innovate the most simplified, efficient and elegant way to produce it. Aaron presented this at last year’s conference and has already published a book and video showing the method. In many modern cars, they have “wasted spark ignition” systems where half the plugs are the opposite polarity of the other half and this makes it more difficult to install this plasma ignition on these engines. Aaron will review the plasma ignition technology and will show his method of how he simplified the installation for wasted spark ignition systems, which will make it practical for millions of cars on the road today. Learn more at Plasma Ignition

Doug Lindstrom, PhD
Doug Lindstrom, PhD’s (BC, Canada) schooling consists of an earned Master’s degree in Physics, with specialization in Plasma Physics, and a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering with a materials’ specialization. He is the Director of the Alpha Instititute of Advanced Studies (AIAS). His working career has lead him through a variety of industries, defense department initiatives, academia, ending at a government research lab where I lead a group of scientists and engineers in advanced materials development . Since retiring from the government he has been applying his knowledge of numerical solution techniques, especially the finite element method, to the solution of the ECE electro-gravitic equations. His experimental and engineering stance requires that these techniques be directly applicable to design of devices intended for manufacture. The ECE equations consist of more than one hundred non-linear partial differential equations written in a four dimensional spacetime. They tend to be quite unstable, and quite resistant to traditional solution methods. Doug has written and co-authored several papers on topics which include electro-gravitic theory and other segments of the ECE theory and co-authored two books with Myron Evans, Horst Eckardt, and others. The focus of his work however, has been to develop a robust solution technique that will allow the design of devices and experiments that highlight the differences between the predictions of the ECE theory and traditional physics, with the goal of achieving a robust design for a “free energy” device.
Presentation: BASICS OF ECE THEORY, EXPLAINING LENR AND OTHER OVER-UNITY DEVICES – In honor of the twenty fifth anniversary year of the discovery of cold fusion, this talk was scheduled to be delivered at a mini-conference not a hundred yards from the site of that historic announcement by Pons and Fleishman. The University of Utah chose not to allow its presentation on campus. Instead, it was presented later that day at the local public library. What will be presented in this updated version of that talk is a brief look at physics of the past and present, and how this model is failing. This will lead to a non-technical view of the Einstein-Cartan-Evans unified theory of physics, and how it offers a possible explanation of low energy nuclear reactions and other so called “over unity” processes.

John Bedini (Coeur d’Alene, Idaho) is one of the true “living legends” of the Free Energy movement. Starting in the 1970’s with Bedini Electronics, John has become one of the premiere audio and circuit design engineers in the world. A prolific inventor, his “Bedini Audio Spatial Environments” (B.A.S.E.) remains the pinnacle of 3-Dimensional audio sound processing. With numerous patents on audio systems, regenerative electric motors and battery charging methods, John is constantly pushing the boundaries of science and technology. His recent developments in the field of Crystal Batteries are another milestone in John’s work to produce practical appliances that essentially power themselves. He is also known for his invention of the Bedini SG, which is the world’s most replicated “free energy” machine.
Presentation: TO BE ANNOUNCED

Graham Gunderson
Graham Gunderson – One of the few well-funded “overunity” researchers who specializes in verifying other inventor’s energy claims though multiple stages of advanced integrated power analysis techniques. He has also taken independent research of Floyd Sweet’s Vacuum Triode Amplifier (VTA) further than most other researchers.
Presentation: OVERUNITY DISCLOSURE – sharing details of a special transformer technology that demonstrates a COP of 2.0 with off-the-shelf-parts

William R. Lyne
William Lyne was born and raised in West Texas oil boom towns and ranching country. He is multi-talented with broad experience. In the words of Robert Bradstreet, Diversified Services, Cape Coral, Florida: “William Lyne is a remarkable researcher—a lateral thinking individual, possessing a keen sense of curiosity, an intuitive artistic sense, coupled with the eye of a forensic detective and at the same time, serendipitously being moved about on the chessboard of life to interface, just at the right moment with people and events, which has given him access to a wealth of knowledge. Having command of the written word, and against many odds, he was able to bring his findings to the world in the form of wonderful writings. Future generations will remember him with gratitude.” In the Air Force, Lyne was in Intelligence with a top secret clearance, and in martial arts (judo). He acquired a B.S. With a double major in Fine Arts and Industrial Arts in 1965. He acquired an MFA in Studio Arts from U.T./Austin in 1969. He has lived in New Mexico since 1970. In 1975, Lyne was offered an executive position by the CIA, which he rejected because he believes the National Security Act of 1947 is a betrayal of American sovereignty and liberty and the main means for oppression of the American people.

Jim Murray
Jim Murray is a professional Engineer, entrepreneur, inventor, and research scientist. His primary field of interest has been in novel Power Systems, and understanding the many, under-appreciated aspects Nikola Tesla’s work. He is one of the few inventors in history to receive a US Patent on a “low drag” electrical generator, based on the principle of resonance. Jim is the inventor of the SERPS technology, which showed almost 50 times more energy out than the net draw from a transformer at last year’s conference. His presentation from the last two conference are Tesla’s Hidden Discoveries and The Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification
Presentation: MAGNETIC ENERGY SECRETS PART 4 – A continuation of Paul Babcock’s presentation going deeper into magnetic motor and generator technologies.

Stephen P. McGreevy
Stephen P. McGreevy (N6NKS) began MW (AMBCB) Dxing and listening to SW in his childhood and this continues on to this day. He is attributed to starting Hawaii’s first Lowfer beacon in 1986 and in 1987 he worked several Japanese Amateur stations using 3 to 5 watts CW mode from northern California using an old Navy ship transmitter. Stephen’s interest in natural VLF radio started in 1988 thanks to Michael Mideke. Heard First “Whistler” live in eastern Oregon high-desert (Alvord Basin) on crude audio filter and 500 meter wire June 1989. In 1990, he developed his first whip-antenna receiver for listening to “whistlers”, an audio event that is caused by natural VLF. This led to Stephen carrying the torch for the amazing world of Natural VLF Radio. Today, enthusiasts all around the world are using Stephen McGreevy’s various VLF receivers to hear the natural Earth sounds that have been hiding right in front of us. As a note of interest, Stephen’s research into Natural VLF Radio is directly related to Eric Dollard’s telluric research.
Presentation: ON THE ART OF NATURAL VLF RADIO FIELD RECORDING – This “Natural Radio” includes audio-frequency radio signals of Earth in the approximately 200 Hz to beyond 10,000 Hz (10 kHz) spectrum which are not man-made but occur naturally. The most-spectacular phenomena are heard between 400 Hz and 5 kHz. Interest in naturally-occurring ELF/VLF radio phenomena such as “whistlers” and “chorus” has enjoyed a rapid resurgence amongst all kinds of people – from hobbyists, musicians, nature lovers, amateur and professional scientists, and so on. The beauty of the sounds of

Photo of gorgeous aurora over northern Manitoba, Canada, taken during Manitoba Solar-Minimum VLF Expedition, way back on 22 August 1996
Earth’s magnetosphere and associated space-weather has broad appeal. A few basic schematics will be shared so you can build your own receiver, examples of various receivers developed over the years, audio clips of some of the more profound recordings, explanation of the processes involved that create natural VLF signals like whistlers, chorus, etc., and mind-blowing images and stories of travels around the world while recording these sounds.

John Polakowski
John Polakowski original field of study was in computer engineering CalPoly. But after having been mentored personally by Eric Dollard over the last several years, he has moved into the field of Electrical Engineering. John is a long time valued contributor to Energetic Forum and has helped Eric Dollard by transcribing many of his notebooks into online posts. He is also the only person to have replicated Eric Dollard’s Cosmic Induction Generator.
Presentation: Energy Synthesis via Parametric Variation of Inductance with a Magnetic Amplifier – Magnetic amplifier design and theory developed by Eric Dollard, which demonstrates “Energy Synthesis” or “Free Energy”. Parametric oscillations are known to circumvent the apparent Laws of the Conservation of Energy.

Eric Dollard
Eric Dollard is an Electrical Engineer who is a “living legend” in the field of electrical research. He is considered by many to be the most knowledgeable expert alive today on the true nature of electricity. Author of the landmark mathematical papers Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves and Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave, Eric shows how all electric phenomena can be mathematically measured and engineered WITHOUT using calculus or “Maxwell’s Equations.” Author of Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers and Theory of Wireless Power, he is also the only person since Tesla’s death to successfully build a real Magnifying Transmitter. His last two conference presentations are Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity and The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla & Alexanderson.
Presentation: The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity explores possible ways to influence the Aether by methods that have not been discussed in any engineerable manner for many hundreds of years.