Listed in the order that the presentations are given Fri to Sunday.

1986 – Founder In-Motion Pictures Corporation, Gainesville, Florida. A full service motion picture and video production service with corporate clients across the U.S. and production facilities in Gainesville, Florida. Created and developed the worlds first virtual set systems for use in motion pictures and electronic imaging which allowed the use of computer generated sets integrated with live actors and synchronized 3d sets in integrated spatial relationships. Engineered and turn key installed several government and private TV production facilities for the State of Florida, agencies, Universities and owner-operated TV stations. 1997 Cyberstreme – A technical and creative media consulting and production firm based near Orlando, Fl. Designed, built and marketed original computer systems for editing motion pictures and video with nonlinear software based protocols which was new technology at the time. Engineered and installed a TV station in the Orlando area market and beta tested several advanced TV robotic camera systems which were the first to be used in a major TV market in an on air environment. 1998 Cyberstreme.com – Evolved Cyberstreme Company into an online presence and expanded the business to include convergence of online and media production technologies and integration with online computer technology. Moved Cyberstreme Company to Anna Maria, Florida. Developed a unique computer imaging system used in major construction projects with $50 million plus budgets. This system allowed construction contractors, subs and financial partners, to access information online from any location and view data based images, 24/7 these images were taken several frames per minute of construction projects and/or viewed in real-time as construction progressed. Custom designed, engineered, installed and maintained these systems for Centex Construction Group and its corporate divisions on major projects across U.S. These images were then animated and presented at completion ceremonies where projects that took up to two years to complete would be shown in stop motion animation from ground breaking to completion in only a few minutes. This system was the first of it’s kind and similar systems are widely used now on major construction projects. Other projects included multi-media, TV, DVD, and Video production for national corporate clients and Company PR presentations for sales and public relations. 2006 Cyberstreme, LLC – formed with investment partners to expand Cyberstreme into feature film production. Several feature films have been completed and the current web site offers film and TV services as well as sales of our motion picture product. The idea behind making feature films was to create a new technically based highly efficient process for making feature films, thus reducing production costs. This model was developed and proven effective on several feature films. Some are available on www.Cyberstreme.com
PRESENTATION: In 2008, H2 Global, LLC – was formed in Florida, USA to develop and market Walt Jenkins’s technical achievements and breakthroughs in the area of water based fuel production and its potential as a commercial fuel resource. Basic electrolysis as a process to generate hydrogen from water is over a hundred years old. Little has been done to increase the efficiency of this process or develop new technology to provide energy from one of the most energy abundant resources on our planet. As gas prices began to raise over $2 per gallon in the U.S. I turned my attention to examining the processes and prior art in this energy resource potential. In 2007 breakthroughs were achieved which yielded a 300% gain over prior art technologies and a rapid advancement into new processes followed soon thereafter. Water can now be turned into fuel on the fly, on demand, with under 180 milliamps input power and create a fuel which completely runs an engine. Efficiencies are considerably higher now than when we began. The technical developments are the subject of more than a dozen different patents being applied for in the field of water fuel generation. H2G energy from water systems now allow clean nonpolluting fuel to be produced from either fresh or sea water at a cost far less than oil based or fossil fuels per thermal unit. The evolution of water as a primary energy resource is now possible and H2 Global, LLC was established to develop and market this energy resource and expand the science of clean energy production.

James is a self-taught Electronics Engineer, retired in 2012, who has been designing electronic controls for electric motors for 26+ years. He holds 17 patents and is knowledgeable in many different types of electric motor designs. James is also a radio enthusiast (since the age of 7), and was employed for a time repairing Amateur and CB radio equipment and antennas. His father was a mechanical engineer, so he has been immersed in the field of electro-mechanical motion from his youth. A large part of his work has been in designing rugged, efficient and manufacturable motors and electronic controls for consumer and industrial products. You may have seen some news from Honda Motor Company about a new option available starting with the 2014 Odyssey Van – the world’s first built-in cabin vacuum cleaner system! James designed the electronics and motor controls for the switched reluctance motor used in this product. However, he has always had the eye and the heart of an inventor, and has questioned the established conventions in his field of design. He does not accept the notion that heat and wasted energy has to be a factor in every electrical machine, and so has developed the concept for the Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) to disprove this theory.
Presentation: THE QEG – DRIVING RESONANCE USING MULTIPLE ORDER HARMONICS – The QEG is a switched/variable reluctance, variable frequency generator that uses mechanically pumped parametric resonance (tank circuit) to generate up to 30,000 volts of reactive power in its primary windings. The reactive power in the core is then converted to real power by the secondary windings. The QEG has 2 modes of operation; conventional mode, which produces about 800 Watts peak output for 1,000 Watts input, and resonance mode, where the machine is operated at a particular RPM/frequency to excite the fundamental mechanical resonant frequency (around 2.4kHz) from a lower order harmonic. In resonance mode the machine is capable of overunity due to the output voltage increase afforded by the vibration of the core steel when the machine is driven into resonance. LIVE DEMONSTRATION WILL BE PRESENTED!

RS STAFFORD – One of the most prolific builders and replicators in the Free Energy, alternative energy field. RS has been following and building John Bedini’s technologies before most people ever heard of a Bedini SG.
PRESENTATION: POOR MAN’S SPLIT THE POSITIVE BATTERY SWAPPER – I had tested a 12V StP system using Golf Cart Batteries, Jumper cables for swapping, and a 12V inverter, or various DC loads like LED RV lamps, with a Harbor Fright Solar system, etc…, etc…., a few years ago…. I was trying to redesign the StP Swapper circuit schematic, as I was not sure how Peter had changed things with a 4 battery system and extra diode vs the 3 battery StP system I had drawn out several years before. I had to email PL to make sure I had it right. So, Chad showed up late that Friday afternoon, and was gung ho to build something, but I did not have enough relays to make anything go, and would be the next week before we could start building anything…. We were setting around talking about it, and Chad ask, How would a Poor Man get the parts EASY and LOCALLY and implement this new circuit I was drawing out. We came up with the Poor Mans Split the Positive Swapper that uses easy to get Home Depo / Lowes 240VAC breaker boxes and 50A AC breakers in place of 30ADC+ DPST Relays / Larger Contactors. It is Manuel operation, and not automated, so you have to baby sit it, and if ya mess up, the breakers break, and dont fry things, unlike the 20A toggle switches we were contemplating using, and you still need a Box, to mount all the relays and buss bars, and arrange the wiring into. We went to 2 Home Depo’s to get all 4 of the 8 breaker 240VAC boxes and some smaller 6 breaker boxes and enough double pole 50A AC beakers needed that Friday evening, and by late Sunday morning, we had it all wired up, and running a 24V inverter, using various batteries I had laying around. The next week I ordered Golf Cart batteries, and Interstate delivered them, and some other batteries for the pendulum. The next weekend, we built the 4x4ft Box to mount the batteries and 240AC boxes into, and finished painting, and installing almost everything a few weeks after that. Added some more features, some time after that….. The StP 4x4ft Box and Circuit were built to Demo the StP concept to PBE and others, and Demo the 6 coil to PBE as well, as it and the Pendulum will need Pro Grade Cabinets, and a automated Swapper systems from Tom and Eric, like PL used last year, for the museum…… Being Manual, it is very easy to explain how it works, when you show them the basic SG StP Sch, my StP Swapper Schematic, and then flip the beakers on… and then rotate the batteries by turning off a set of breakers, and turning on the next set, while showing them the voltages on the 4 Sets of batteries……. I’ve used the 6 coil SSG as a load for the the 24V output StP Swapper, and the 6 coil SSG charges a secondary 24V Battery bank, while a bank rests, and a rested bank runs a 24V inverter, running what ever Load you need up to 30A DC. The system is also setup where it can run the 24V inverter from the Stp, vs the 6 coil SSG as a load, up to 30A DC. I also have a solar Input that can help charge the StP charge battery, making up for any losses, or help run the Inverter that’s connected to a 6 coil SSG charged bank for a larger output load up to 30A DC when needed. The Lamps and computer in this pic are running from the 24V Inverter, from 6 Coil SSG charged secondary batteries……

Eric Dollard is an Electrical Engineer who is a “living legend” in the field of electrical research. He is considered by many to be the most knowledgeable expert alive today on the true nature of electricity. Author of the landmark mathematical papers Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves and Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave, Eric shows how all electric phenomena can be mathematically measured and engineered WITHOUT using calculus or “Maxwell’s Equations.” Author of Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers and Theory of Wireless Power, he is also the only person since Tesla’s death to successfully build a real Magnifying Transmitter. His last three conference presentations are Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity, The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla & Alexanderson & The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity.
Presentation: TO BE ANNOUNCED

Aaron Murakami has open sourced many gigabytes of his work in Energetic Forum for many years – that includes his work on the plasma ignition, the “Gray Tube”, the water fuel cell technology, the Ainslie inductive resistor circuits and others. He is also a founder of Energetic Forum and Energy Science Forum, which has a combined membership of over 130,000 and is the primary organizer for the Energy Science & Technology Conference. Aaron is committed to the development and distribution of highly disruptive information. He is a former health food store owner and has spearheaded many ventures. He is a consultant to several technology groups. His books include The Quantum Key and A Course in Mind Power. His invention of the world’s most efficient plasma ignition system that actually ignites water in an engine has been awarded a U.S. Patent.
Presentation: HIGH VOLTAGE FARADAY GENERATOR will show you how to charge a capacitor higher than what a 12 volt battery needs to be charged. This is done by simply contacting the perimeter and shaft of a spinning neodymium iron boron magnet. Since Faraday, only ultra low voltage with high current has been obtained by the Faraday Generator, but you will see for the first time how to have usable voltage. Aaron has charged a capacitor to well over 100 volts with a 1.5 inch diameter spinning neodymium magnet that is only 1/4 of an inch thick at a speed of only 1-2000 RPM. This sets a world’s record in voltage from a Faraday Generator since Faraday invented it. You will also learn how to create AC from a Faraday Generator, which was proven by Peter Lindemann and Michael Knox back in the 80’s and 90’s. This is an added BONUS presentation, which was not originally planned.

Jeff Moe is the president of Plenum, Inc., which is a merchant services provider but his company also outsources online web services from product fulfillment to customer service. Plenum, Inc is the exclusive provider of these services for A & P Electronic Media. But Jeff’s real passion is the energy sciences as he holds a degree in physics from Eastern Washington University and has been involved with many project with Aaron Murakami, Peter Lindemann and John Bedini.
Presentation: The Gold Magnet – Jeff’s uncle is the original developer of the non-ferrous magnet, which picks up gold, silver, copper, aluminum or other non-ferrous metals. You will see a live demonstration and will walk away with the full details on how to build your own!

Aaron Murakami has open sourced many gigabytes of his work in Energetic Forum for many years – that includes his work on the plasma ignition, the “Gray Tube”, the water fuel cell technology, the Ainslie inductive resistor circuits and others. He is also a founder of Energetic Forum and Energy Science Forum, which has a combined membership of over 130,000 and is the primary organizer for the Energy Science & Technology Conference. Aaron is committed to the development and distribution of highly disruptive information. He is a former health food store owner and has spearheaded many ventures. He is a consultant to several technology groups. His books include The Quantum Key and A Course in Mind Power. His invention of the world’s most efficient plasma ignition system that actually ignites water in an engine has been awarded a U.S. Patent.
Presentation: HACKING THE AETHER is a presentation that has been requested by many people so they can have an all around presentation that addresses many aspects of the free energy field in general. This is is based on some of the material in my book The Quantum Key, which is a layman’s “Unified Theory” based on a fluid model of the Aether. We’ll cover Open System Thermodynamics, which will give the newbie a very simple understanding of how machines or systems can produce more energy on the output than we must supply on the input without violating any laws of thermodynamics. We’ll discuss the Aether and how it was never disproved by the Michelson-Morley experiment – one of the greatest misunderstandings by mainstream science. You’ll learn in Einstein’s own words how 40-60 years after the Michelson-Morley experiment he admitted he was on the wrong track. The distinctions of Energy and Potential are reviewed in detail because they are normally used upside down and backwards. Then the popular question of “how do we tap the Aether” is answered by addressing what a dipole is and how it gives the Aether an asymmetrical path to follow to produce work in the real world. A logical transition is made into the most sensible and simple gravitational model, which opens a can of worms because it shows the flaw in the foundation of energy physics in and of itself and reveals how there is no such thing as conservation of energy – also it shows how energy always is and always will be created and destroyed on the fly during any act of work. The obvious reason why Einstein’s “curved space” is his actual greatest blunder will be pointed out. This is shown with simple elementary school math and junior high school equations. The audience will then take a journey into the concepts of inertia and how it is a form of dielectric induction of space into mass and is not an intrinsic property of the mass itself as Einstein claimed. This will branch off into a few other areas, but the primary point is to deliver a simple and seamless concept that the layman can understand that ties together all the basic concepts of time and space and how free energy machines can and do exist without violating the laws of physics.

Professor Robert M. Haralick received a B.A. degree in mathematics from the University of Kansas in 1964, a B.S. degree in electrical engineering in 1966, and a M.S. degree in electrical engineering in 1967. In 1969, after completing his Ph.D. at the University of Kansas, he joined the faculty of the electrical engineering department, serving as professor from 1975 to 1978. In 1979 he joined the electrical engineering department at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, where he was a professor and director of the spatial data analysis laboratory. From 1984 to 1986 he served as vice president of research at Machine Vision International, Ann Arbor, MI and occupied a Boeing Professorship in the department of electrical engineering at the University of Washington from 1986 through 2000. At UW, he was an adjunct professor in the computer science and bioengineering department. In 2000 Professor Haralick accepted a Distinguished Professorship position at the computer science department of the Graduate Center, City University of New York. At the 2016 Energy Science & Technology Conference, he presented: Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic Field Experiments, Robert M. Haralick, Guy Obolensky and Loren Zanier.
PRESENTATION: SUBTLE ENERGY PROTOCOLS, EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS – Subtle energy, for a lack of a better term, refers to the energy and/or the change of the structure of space that occurs when influences such as conscious intention affects material reality. An example of this kind of influence is when healers use Qi or Pranna to effect a healing either close by or remotely. Other instances include mental telepathy, remote viewing and the programming of quartz crystals by conscious intention. Tiller uses the quantum mechanics phrase Raising the Gauge. There are other situations where a subtle energy can develop: These include being exposed to certain kinds of magnetic fields or electric fields, being exposed to quartz crystals, and being exposed to sacred geometric forms. This talk discusses the difficulty of doing subtle energy experiments, gives the protocols for a few different kinds of subtle energy experiments involving water, describes a number of kinds of measurements that can be made of water, and shares the results of those experiments.

PAUL A. LaVIOLETTE, PH.D, is author of Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, Subquantum Kinetics, Earth Under Fire, Genesis of the Cosmos, Decoding the Message of the Pulsars, Galactic Superwaves and their Impact on the Earth, and is editor of A Systems View of Man. He has also published many original papers in physics, astronomy, climatology, systems theory, and psychology. He received his BA in physics from Johns Hopkins, his MBA from the University of Chicago, and PhD from Portland State University. He is currently president and director of the Starburst Foundation.
PRESENTATION: TWO OVERUNITY TECHNOLOGIES AND A THEORY THAT EXPLAINS THEM begins with a discussion on the Sun Cell developed by Black Light Power Corp., a technology that could one day power and heat our home. It is able to capture energy released in water from the transition of hydrogen atom orbital electrons to subground energy states. While this behavior is not anticipated by standard quantum theory, the novel physics methdology of subquantum kinetics (SQK) does allow this. At the same time SQK can explain the operation of the Nassikas superconducting magnetic thruster, a device which per unit thrust weight provides over 1000 times more thrust than NASA’s NSTAR ion thruster with no energy consumption. The Nassikas thruster can get us to the stars.
We will also do a brief overview of some other advantages of subquantum kinetics. SQK:
Elliminates the need to assume that space is filled with dark mass and dark energy.
Gets rid of the wave-particle dualism and relativistic paradoxes.
Shows that the universe cannot be expanding — there was no big bang.
Provides a mechanism for continuous matter creation.
Predicts electro-gravitic field coupling
Has no need for black holes
Allows the possibility of over unity energy production
Allows the possibility of reactionless propulsion

Paul Babcock has twenty-nine years of experience in industrial electronic applications, as a technician, training specialist, service manager, project manager and applications and design engineer. Paul has worked with public entities and private organizations in fields ranging from avionics, power generation, telephony and alternative energy. He has broad experience designing and implementing custom communication and electronics systems in both the public and private sectors, and in developing large-scale communications solutions for the oil and gas industry. Paul is recognized for his expertise in alternative energy systems and power generation for companies and individuals, especially in remote locations. You can find the last five presentation by Paul, Magnetic Energy Secrets 1, 2 & 3, The Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification & Babcock DC Motor Disclosure
PRESENTATION: THE UNIVERSAL MEDIUM – As taught by the Great 20th Century Profits – Hello Folks – It has been quite a year of discovery since the 2016 Energy Conference. A long string of synchronous events that began at the 2016 gathering inspired me to spend last winter building a Multiple Wave Oscillator to study the works of George Lakhovsky. I had little knowledge of Lakhovsky before the 2016 Energy Conference when synchronous events; that started out as helping friends in dire medical straits turned into a journey over the last year that has lead to places I did not expect. I am going to share this journey with you at the 2017 Energy Conference. During my lifetime I have intensely studied the works of many great minds and inventors whom I consider 20 century profits; Nikola Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, Walter Russell, many others and now George Lakhovsky. All of these great minds were working with the same universal medium; referred to as Radiant Energy, Orgone Energy, Aether Energy and many other names. Over a lifetime of reading the works of these great men and spending countless hours experimenting and reproducing their objective works I found the threads that weave through this great collection of objective works and theories. This journey that started with the 2016 Energy Conference brought to me a new level of practical understanding that exposes the working theory threads that wind their way through the great works of the 20th Century profits. All of the inventions produced by Tesla, Reich and Lakhovsky are designed around the same theory and principles to achieve a number of different ends. Tesla desired to bring limitless energy to mankind using the universal medium. Lakhovsky desired to create beneficial energy fields that would eliminate disease and optimize health for mankind. Reich uncovered the workings of the biosphere and life as manifestations of the universal medium. The operating principles of the universal medium are consistently the same in all of the works produced by the great 20th Century profits. I will share the discoveries that have emerged over the last year with you during my presentation at the 2017 energy conference. I will share as much as time allows for. See you at the Energy Conference in Hayden, ID this summer in July!
Paul Mario Babcock

Developed several varieties of original alternative electro magnetic energy systems and reviving technologies associated to high voltage magnetics and energy recovery system known as EMA, Electro Magnetic Association (Ed Gray), with original EMA motors and related equipment to be revived as regenerating prime movers. Invented and developed 6KW and up Multi phase/Freq Permanent Magnet Dynamos, the original and first Interference Disc Electric Alternator Motor technologies, original and first stainless steel Vaporizer Vessel fuel delivery system for the internal combustion engine. Also developing off grid conventional alternative energy systems on site such as Wind Dynamos, Solar Cells, Micro Hydro Gravity system, Solar Hot Water Generators, and more. We are working toward total sustainable energy self sufficiency which also includes horticulture and installing green houses for year round growing of non GMO organic foods in colder regions such as in BC.
PRESENTATION: ELECTRICITY, GRAVITY, MAGNETISM & SINGULARITY will cover his theories on these topics but for the practical application of this, Al owns the largest collection of original Ed Gray motors and related technologies in the world. He has restored several pieces and most importantly, he has restored Ed Gray’s all important mysterious power supply. Furthermore, he has potentially cracked the code to how Ed Gray’s coils were actually wound and these details will be disclosed at this conference for the first time ever!

Jeane Manning, B.A., authors public-friendly books about new energy, starting with The Coming Energy Revolution (Avery, NY, 1996) and more recently Breakthrough Power (2008). Her solo and co-authored books have been published in ten countries. For 30 years, she’s travelled widely to interview scientists and inventors, and attended dozens of energy conferences, some in Europe as guest speaker. Jeane writes for magazines including Atlantis Rising and Infinite Energy, and has worked in radio, daily newspapers and on staff of a regional magazine. She’s been publicist for groups including a theatre company that traveled in gypsy wagons pulled by Clydesdales.
Susan A. Manewich, M.S., is president of the New Energy Movement. Some of her professional accomplishments are in conscious leadership development and Emotional Intelligence, where her work is praised by clients including Harvard Business School, Yale University, U. of Chicago GSB, London Business School, Singapore Medical School and corporate and non-profit clients. She’s led major communication strategies. While on the Resonance Academy faculty team and a director with the Resonance Project Foundation, Susan was involved in key organizational strategic initiatives. She is now co-authoring Hidden Energy with Jeane Manning. Susan is employed in Massachusetts, although she’d rather be surfing in Hawaii.
PRESENTATION: THINK STRATEGICALLY & SPREAD YOUR MESSAGE – Do you have questions such as “What are the best ways to tell the world about this invention?” or “How can I spread the word about game-changing energy science?” Jeane Manning and Susan Manewich offer tips that can help, whether you work alone in your garage or in industry with access to a communications department. This is a 45 minute presentation followed by 15 minutes of Q & A.

Geoffrey S. Miller has been experimenting on energy related issues and electricity for the past 45 years since he was 10 years old and made his first lab. So he has decided to show some of his work from Energy Bat Labs. Some of the projects are his own and some of them are other fellow experimenters in the alternative energy field. Mr. Miller has tested some of the other experimenters work for commercial feasibility as well as his own experiments.
PRESENTATION: NEWMAN MOTOR DISCLOSURE – Geoffrey was an assistant to the legendary Joseph Newman, who is an undisputed pioneer of the modern day free energy movement. Back in the 1980’s, Geoffrey worked with Newman for 10 years and has an inside perspective of the Newman Motor that very few people can claim. He will review the past history and present understanding of what Newman was really doing, a review of Newman’s book will be shared, an overview of the people that Newman worked with, some insight into the new movie NEWMAN, the motor itself, coil, magnets caps and the all important commutator. You will see a live demonstration of a REAL Newman Motor and this presentation will empower you with enough information, including schematics, so that you can replicate this historical technology. Many experimenters think they already have Newman’s machine figured out but nothing could be further from the truth. This is another exclusive disclosure that you will only see at the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference. LIVE DEMONSTRATION WILL BE PRESENTED!

The Special Presenter has been a builder in this field for many years and has been intimitely connected with John Bedini’s technologies for just as long.
PRESENTATION: SPECIAL PRESENTATION ON ONE OF HIS MOST IMPORTANT MACHINES – This is a very special technology that John Bedini has never directly revealed in its entirety. Although a small number of people have attempted to replicate this, only a few have come close. This invention started back in the 1970’s and is one of a handful of technologies that was part of the genesis of much of John Bedini’s school of thought, which influenced much of his later work. It is still showing us its secrets and we’re sure there are many more to come. You will walk away with enough information to replicate this highly coveted machine. LIVE DEMONSTRATION WILL BE PRESENTED!

200pm-315pm PANEL DISCUSSION #1 with half of the presenters.
315pm-330pm BREAK
330pm-445pm PANEL DISCUSSION #2 with the other half of the presenters.
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