Listed in the order that the presentations are given.

Aaron Murakami has a Bachelors of Science in Natural Health and is a founder and organizer of the Energy Science & Technology Conference as well as A & P Electronic Media. He has open sourced many gigabytes of his work in Energetic Forum for many years – that includes his work on the plasma ignition, the “Gray Tube”, the water fuel cell technology, and others. He is also a founder of Energetic Forum and Energy Science Forum, which has a combined membership of over 130,000. Aaron is committed to the development and distribution of highly disruptive information. He is a former health food store owner and has spearheaded many ventures. He is a consultant to several technology groups. His books include The Quantum Key, Course in Mind Power and Redox Signaling Molecules. His invention of the world’s most efficient plasma ignition system that ignites water in an engine has been awarded a U.S. Patent. At the 2017 ESTC, his presentation Hacking the Aether set a new standard for a simple to understand Unified Field model based on a dynamic and fluid Aether.

Dr. Ruth Olmstead has extensive experience treating children and adults diagnosed with learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder (ADD), anxiety, depression, and a number of neurological disorders. Dr. Olmstead is certified in the application of electroencephalogram (EEG) biofeedback, and for more than twenty years has researched, developed, and published a number of specific intervention protocols in the application of AVS. Additionally, she trains licensed therapists in the clinical application of AVS. Dr. Olmstead is a pioneer in the research and application of Audio-Visual Stimulation (AVS) systems (commonly known as “Mind Machines”). Her ground-breaking work in this field is widely published and considered among the most important works detailing the beneficial effects of Mind Machines on children and adults. See links to Dr. Olmstead’s research on:
PRESENTATION: MASTERING ADVANCED PERCEPTION – How to develop intuitive abilities and push the boundaries of human potential. In 2008, A & P Electronic Media’s (emediapress.com’s) first publication was The Collected Writings of Harold S. Schroeppel. Dr. Olmstead was Harold Schroeppel’s youngest student for his powerful course Lessons in Advanced Perception. Dr. Olmstead, a leading authority on brain stimulation considers these lessons the most important education she has ever received. For more information on these lessons, visit https://emediapress.com/shop/lessons-advanced-perception/

Marty Luckoski is an entrepreneur, inventor, and a healer. He is most passionate about re-discovering, building, and putting to use the technology of Nikola Tesla. His missions is to discover, build, and create technology that can enhance the lives of all people. He has worked with George Wiseman as the lead designer and engineer for AquaCure for the last 3 years. He knows that all things are possible if we believe they are and if we work together.
PRESENTATION: HHO – TRANSCENDING THE LIMITS OF SCIENCE AND WELLNESS – Marty will discuss the ways in which we have been lead to believe that some things are impossible in the fields of science and wellness and how belief and open-mindedness are the foundations of true innovation. He will also speak about AquaCure and Brown’s Gas (HHO) therapy and its benefits.

For over 40 years Katja has been a successful nutritional counselor, utilizing the Science of Biologic Ionization through personalized diet and lifestyle therapies. She has taught her clients how to achieve the universal goals we all desire: vitality, health and longevity. The core concept pervading Katja’s therapies is what she calls “OHM.” Yes, most of us think of Ohm as a measure of electrical resistance, symbolized by the omega Ω. However, for Katja OHM is her acronym for Life’s foundation: Oxygenation, Hydration & Mineralization, the three pillars of human biological health. She teaches that the lack of OHM is the fundamental cause of ageing and symptoms of degenerative disease. After all, are we not made of energized air, water and dust of the Earth?
PRESENTATION: BIOLOGICAL IONIZATION – The science of biological Ionization as applied to human health has been successfully employed by its adherents and practitioners for many decades. Biological ionization is not a treatment — it is a description of our physical expression. In fact, there is an established “formula” for perfect health extracted from seven lab tests of fresh urine and saliva. Biologic Ionization Principles recognize and deal with the electric and magnetic charge-force relationship. It is recognized that each element has a measurable resistance level, unique to each element only, which is directly related to the ratio of the anions (electrons) and cations (positrons or protons) within the internal structure of the atom. The foundational tenet of biological ionization is that the body knows how to heal itself. However, today the bricks and mortar are missing. Our foods lack nutritional value, our air and water are contaminated, and the vital spectra of frequencies from our sun and earth are blocked or attenuated. Understanding biological ionization provides individualized practical steps we can all take to optimize body voltage and enhance the body’s self-healing mechanisms. This is achieved primarily by balancing the anion-cation ratio through specifically formulated mineralization.

David is the inventor of LifeWave technology and founder and CEO of LifeWave, Inc.
David’s experience in business and product development spans over 30 years and includes a formal education in Management Information Systems and Biology at Pace University in Pleasantville, NY. David then went on to pursue several entrepreneurial endeavors and, as a result, owned successful companies involved in manufacturing and product development. One of these companies, Advanced Applications Group, is a research and development center that specialized in energy-production technologies for both military and commercial applications. During his time with AAG, David developed new methods for producing hydrogen and oxygen, designed and prototyped multi-fueled, bladeless-turbine power generation systems, and constructed metal-combustion rocket engines.
As a result of his innovations, David was presented with an honorary doctorate by Dr. Alexander Marinaccio of the International Hall of Fame of Inventors. In addition, as a result of work performed in the design of emergency oxygen systems for General Dynamics and the U.S. Navy, David was invited to participate in the Navy’s next generation mini-sub program.
The LifeWave Technology was born out of three years of intense research by David into the concept of being able to naturally increase energy and stamina through elevation of fat burning, utilizing wireless communication to the human body via phototherapy. The LifeWave Technology is now available to the public. David has committed the past 15 years into making this opportunity a reality.
Globally, David is the holder of 94 issued patents, 13 pending, with many more being written. More than seventy of those issued patents are in the field of regenerative science and technology. One of his inventions, the Double Helix Conductor, produces a novel blend of electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic fields to improve the speed of wound healing that rivals that of stem-cell injections. This led to David realizing that phototherapy can be a means by which a person’s own stem cells can be activated into a more youthful state as opposed to requiring an injection of expensive and potentially dangerous stem cells . Hence, after ten years of study, the X39® patch was born.
Since the inception of LifeWave in 2002, David has overseen global operations of the company and has accelerated expansion into approximately one-hundred countries, with offices presently in the United States, Ireland, Japan and Taiwan — with warehouse and distribution facilities throughout the world . LifeWave has been a multiple recipient of Inc. magazine’s list of fastest-growing companies.
Copy and paste this email for more info https://emediapress.com/lifewave
Disclaimer: Aaron Murakami is a distributor for Lifewave.
PRESENTATION: PHOTOTHERAPY STEM CELL ACTIVATION will cover the amazing, scientific and clinically proven breakthrough, which uses phototherapy to activate the most important peptide in your body that is known to enhance stem cell activity. Peter Lindemann, Aaron Murakami and others in the ESTC network have been benefiting from this revolutionary and easy to use technology for nearly two years.

Eric Dollard is an Electrical Engineer who is a “living legend” in the field of electrical research. He is considered by many to be the most knowledgeable expert alive today on the true nature of electricity. Author of the landmark mathematical papers Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves and Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave, Eric shows how all electric phenomena can be mathematically measured and engineered WITHOUT using calculus or “Maxwell’s Equations.” Author of Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers and Theory of Wireless Power, he is also the only person since Tesla’s death to successfully build a real Magnifying Transmitter. His last several conference presentations are Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity, The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla & Alexanderson & The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity, The Musical Seismograph. & History, Theory & Practice of the Electrical Utility System. Last year, he gave a presentation on Nikola Tesla’s Colorado Springs Transformer and demonstrated a 20:1 scale model – this was THE definitive presentation ever given on the subject.
PRESENTATION: FORTESCUE PART 2 – DELTA & WYE ELECTRIC POWER CONFIGURATIONS – This is an extension of last year’s (2020) Fortescue presentation. Last year’s presentation is now being applied to the analysis of Delta to Wye and Wye to Delta transformations in 3-Phase power systems. The representations that are commonly taught in engineering curriculums will be found to be in error. Also, to be presented will be the undesirability of the Wye connected power system, which is finding wide-spread use. For reference, see the paper THE ELECTRICAL UTILITY IN A DIGITAL AGE
ENGINEERING REPORT NVE-1 – https://ericpdollard.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/epd-nve1.pdf

Ken Rochon is a lifelong accomplished serial entrepreneur. His success has been established with The Umbrella Syndicate, Big Events USA, Perfect Publishing, & Absolute Entertainment. He is a Social Proof Celebrity Event Photographer, an International Keynote Speaker, a published author of 22+ books, a forerunner of the non-profit organization “The Keep Smiling Movement,” and past honoree as “America’s Most Influential Business Connector.” Overall, he considers himself a renaissance man, a world traveler of 102 countries, and the love of his life is his 5 year old K3.

Paul Babcock has thirty years of experience in industrial electronic applications, as a technician, training specialist, service manager, project manager and applications and design engineer. Paul has worked with public entities and private organizations in fields ranging from avionics, power generation, telephony and alternative energy. He has broad experience designing and implementing custom communication and electronics systems in both the public and private sectors, and in developing large-scale communications solutions for the oil and gas industry. Paul is recognized for his expertise in alternative energy systems and power generation for companies and individuals, especially in remote locations. You can find the last presentations by Paul, Magnetic Energy Secrets 1, 2 & 3, The Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification & Babcock DC Motor Disclosure. Paul’s 2017 presentation was The Universal Medium, which focused heavily on the Lakhovsky MWO (multiwave oscillator). In 2018, he gave a follow up presentation called The Living Earth. Copy and paste this in a browser for more information: http://emediapress.com/paulbabcock/universalmedium/
PRESENTATION: ZERO ENTROPY STATES – MORE ON TIME, SPACE AND OVERUNITY – In 2002 I was hanging out with John Bedini, at his lab in Post Falls, ID. After a fun day of playing with John’s toys; he pointed up to a high shelf at another device that was covered by a glass case. As he was lighting a cigarette, he exclaimed, “that’s the one you really want to see”. I said back to him, “Cool… Lets have a look”. He replied right back, in a cloud of smoke. “N’aa, your not ready for that one yet.” It was twelve years before John finally demonstrated the infamous, “Glass Case Motor” or Gravity Wave Space Flux Motor for me, personally. Those two days in 2002 and 2014 that I spent with John Bedini, triggered a subconscious process within myself that took an other five years to crystallize. Time isn’t what you think it is. Entropy can go away. The machines work because entropy does go away. John made me “earn the knowledge” and in that tradition, plan on putting your thinking caps on and having your minds bent.

Dr. Ruth Olmstead has extensive experience treating children and adults diagnosed with learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder (ADD), anxiety, depression, and a number of neurological disorders. Dr. Olmstead is certified in the application of electroencephalogram (EEG) biofeedback, and for more than twenty years has researched, developed, and published a number of specific intervention protocols in the application of AVS. Additionally, she trains licensed therapists in the clinical application of AVS. Dr. Olmstead is a pioneer in the research and application of Audio-Visual Stimulation (AVS) systems (commonly known as “Mind Machines”). Her ground-breaking work in this field is widely published and considered among the most important works detailing the beneficial effects of Mind Machines on children and adults. See links to Dr. Olmstead’s research on:
PRESENTATION: AUDITORY AND VISUAL NON-INVASIVE BRAIN STIMULATION – DEMONSTRATION INCLUDED, Manipulating states of consciousness, increasing mental abilities, and accessing collective consciousness.

Peter Lindemann D.Sc. is a semi-retired Science Historian, Researcher, Inventor, Author, Lecturer, and Educator. He has been involved in the field of Advanced Alternative Energy technology since 1973. He is the author of The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity and the educational films Electric Motor Secrets, Part 1&2, Battery Secrets and Battery Rejuvenation, Tesla’s Radiant Energy, Open System Thermodynamics, and many others. He is also the co-author of the Bedini SG Handbooks and film series. Dr. Lindemann continues to work on designs for Gravity Engines and other clean, low-tech solutions.
PRESENTATION: METHODS OF ACHIEVING AN AMBIENT TEMPERATURE HEAT ENGINE – In 1900, Nikola Tesla said that the solar heat stored in the atmosphere was the largest, untapped, replenishable energy source on the planet. He believed that any technology that successfully converted some of this heat into mechanical energy would be the ideal method to power civilization indefinitely into a clean and sustainable future. He worked most of the rest of his life on perfection such a system. In this lecture, Dr. Lindemann will discuss Tesla’s ultimate solution, as well as introduce 4 other technologies capable of achieving this goal, along with the theory, design, and “method of action” of each system.

Nick Kraakman is an entrepreneur, software developer, and self-taught alternative energy researcher from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He studied Nikola Tesla’s single wire power transmission system for several years, performed multiple successful replications, and documented his research on his website https://waveguide.blog/. Nick is currently researching Robert Adams’ pulsed electric motor / generator in detail, and aims to replicate the inventor’s spectacular results.
PRESENTATION: THE ROBERT ADAMS PULSED ELECTRIC MOTOR GENERATOR – In 1975 the Chairman of the New Zealand Institute of Electrical Engineers, Robert Adams, filed for a patent on a novel type of highly efficient motor / generator that utilized the power of permanent magnets and seemingly circumvented Lenz’s law.
However, his patent was denied, and he was subsequently pressured by the prime minister and several large companies to keep his invention to himself.
After 20 years of this, Adams, now in his seventies, felt he didn’t have much to lose, and so he decided to publish his invention in a 1994 edition of Nexus Magazine. Since then, thousands of experimenters around the world have replicated Adams’ revolutionary device, some with incredible results, but a lot of confusion remains. This presentation aims to clear up some of this confusion, present how this motor / generator functions in detail, and even disclose Adams’ little-known multi-kilowatt thermo generator he worked on until his death in 2006.

CEO, DBA Liberator Rocket Heaters – rocketheater.com
PRESENTATION: THE BOURKE HYDROGEN CYCLE – FACT OR FICTION? This presentation was originally going to be given by Roger Richard but due to some medical complications, Roger requested that Sky presents this on his behalf. Did the internal combustion engine work of engineer Russell Bourke provide us with the key to using ultra efficient HCCI, homogenous charge compression ignition? Dedicated research project with working models has produced some surprising results. There will not be a demonstration. However, Sky will show you an authentic 30 C.I. original Bourke Engine and may disassemble it for everyone to see – this one is owned by Roger Richard and Sky will also bring a second Bourke Engine, which is his own.

Jeremiah is an innovator, experimenter, discoverer and inventor of out of the box technologies and is currently perfecting Nikola Tesla’s favorite invention, the Tesla Turbine. He refuses to accept the idea that there is no way to harvest an unlimited quantity of energy from our surroundings.
PRESENTATION – NIKOLA TESLA’S THERMODYNAMIC TRANSFORMER PART 2 – DEMONSTRATION INCLUDED – He will demonstrate the Thermodynamic Transformer inspired and mastered by Nikola Tesla and will also show demonstrations as the main part of his presentation for the purpose of helping the laymen understand the workings of the Tesla turbine aka Nikola Tesla’s Thermodynamic Transformer. This is a system that will solve the world’s clean energy crisis by transforming heat from many natural sources into usable energy.
He will show how the Tesla turbine can convert energy from the following sources:
Earth Heat / Earth Battery: Nearly unlimited energy from the earth. The earth is like a giant battery, charged with an average of 55 degrees F, about five feet below the surface. Harvesting the earth’s heat is most practical in the winter and in cold climates. The limitation is the speed in which you can extract the energy over a given amount of time for a small sized system.
96% Efficient Solar: It’s about time the world used solar heat collection for electrical energy on a mass scale. Today’s electrical solar panels are only 15-19% efficient. With all this extra power from the sun, there is only one problem: how do you store all that energy? The answer is water. Water can store enormous amounts of energy in the form of heat, and it’s clean, cheap and available to everyone.
Waste Heat: All of our machinery today produces losses in energy in the form of heat. If that heat can be transformed back into usable energy, literally all of our machinery can become more efficient.

SEE BIO’S FOR AARON & ERIC ABOVE. Picture from left to right is Jari Karvonen who helped with miscellaneous work to make the audio rack happen, Aaron Murakami who funded the project and did most of the metal work, Eric Dollard who engineered and did most of the wiring and Jeff Moe who did all the necessary machining. This doesn’t include the work that went into the RF rack, which at the time of this writing is still under construction.
PRESENTATION – THE BORDERLAND OF NIKOLA TESLA’S RESONANT TRANSFORMER – This is a very complex project with an audio rack and RF rack. They can be used independently or together for a variety of different experiments. We do not know how much we can demonstrate but we will do as much as possible with the time we have. We plan to show a large high fidelity flame speaker and will try to demonstrate the CIG plasma formations in a bulb. There are some ground transmission experiments we may attempt but depends on what we can finish in time for the conference. We’ll bring the equipment to the conference to show the setup up close and whatever we do not finish for the conference, we’ll continue to complete the project and will demonstrate it on video. We will probably invite anyone that wants to come for later demonstrations in the Spokane and CDA area. More videos and pics of our progress will be posted on an ongoing basis. THIS IS THE STATE OF THE ART as far as Eric Dollard’s knowledge is concerned. This project will have the consideration of everything Eric knows about this kind of technology.

Mike Clarke is a retired Doctor of Chiropractic, having been in private practice for twenty-eight years. Retired from that in 2006 due to shoulder issues. He was partially educated at DeVry institute of Technology and received a dangerous amount of education in electronics. That is, very little as he became homesick, left school and returned to the west coast of Canada. Then he went on to college in Idaho and later California, ending up in Idaho making sick people well until having to sell my practice and move on. His wife of 48 years and he have a small vineyard of about four acres, live on the river, are parents of five daughters and sixteen grand children. But all of that wasn’t enough to keep me from searching for something else. His partner in this motor is Norm Seid who has had quite a background in free energy devices. He has been dabbling in this since the late 70’s. Norm and Mike have known each other since 1980 and Mike considers him the answer man. He has been so excited about what they have done to this point and he believes it is the way of the future.
PRESENTATION: RPG PART 3 – DEMONSTRATION INCLUDED – This motor/generator set is a composite of multiple inventors methods and technologies including John Bedini, Paul Babcock, a few other including myself and my partner Norman and it demonstrates some remarkable principles. A couple years ago, this motor/generator ran at thousands of RPM, kept its batteries charged up while producing enough work to turn a generator that produced electricity. This motor/generator has been built new from scratch and will be demonstrating this at a higher level. The input and recovery banks will stay topped up while running at high speed and it will produce enough mechanical work to turn a generator that will power a 100 watt light bulb but the batteries never see it. The principles will be shared and it demonstrates that what Bedini and others have said for years is true. This is a demonstration that you don’t want to miss.

Griffin Brock is an experimenter, mathematician, and engineer in the field of “true” electrical science. He investigates the works of major electrical pioneers of the 20th Century, and applies them to practical applications. He has produced multiple reproductions of Tesla’s wireless telluric communication systems, as well as other forms of his work. He is credited for forming a simplistic Electrodynamic Seismic Forecasting system. He is currently enrolled in high school, and continues to pursue the field of electrical engineering.
PRESENTATION 1: TESLA HIGH FREQUENCY ILLUMINATION METHODS AND APPARATUSES & PRESENTATION – A developed explanation on the practicality of high frequency high potential illumination devices, as originally developed by Tesla. This includes the employment of various high potential driving apparatuses, and the construction of illuminating devices with peculiar phenomena.
PRESENTATION 2: PRACTICAL METHODS OF ELECTROSTATIC STIMULATION UPON ORGANIC GROWTH – An experimentally based approach to inducing significant growth qualities of organic matter, when introduced to natural and or artificial electrostatic potentials. Such methods take advantage of certain geometries and potentials possessing fast alternations to achieve outstanding effects on organic growth outcomes.

James DeMeo, PhD, is Director of the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, a high-altitude research facility in the Siskiyou Mountains near to Ashland, Oregon, exhibiting optimal conditions for sensitive orgone energy experiments. He formerly served on the faculty of Geography at the University of Kansas, Illinois State University, University of Miami and University of Northern Iowa, presenting courses on Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Science. He was the first to undertake natural scientific research in a mainstream university investigating Wilhelm Reich’s controversial discoveries, subjecting those ideas to rigorous testing, with positive verification of the original findings. His published works include dozens of articles, compendiums and books, such as The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, In Defense of Wilhelm Reich, and Saharasia. He was editor of the compendiums On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy and Heretics’ Notebook, and of the journal Pulse of the Planet, and co-editor for the German-language compendium Nach Reich: Neue Forschung zur Orgonomie.
PRESENTATION: THE WILHELM REICH ORGONE MOTOR AND THE POWER OF THE VACUUM – This presentation will focus on three different approaches to the work of Reich and related.
A. A replication of TT Browns electrogravitics. Made my own 90 kvdc system, novel gravitor that moves around on a pivot at about 2 mph.
B. Reich’s 12V KS 9154 Western Electric motor, a small 2-phase item working on eddy currents, I found that it works well at low power ~3 volts, very standard for this motor, with a take-apart pics.
C. Orgone charged high vacuum, slight electrical charges from them. Charging of capacitors to yield sl. higher voltage. Orgone charged GM Tubes, yielding anomalously very high CPM, verified Reich’s finding at my lab.
All are works in progress, the only real amazing thing is the high counts, up to 3000 to 4000 CPM in the OR charged GM tubes, at the max of the last sunspot cycle. Today at minima, only 300-400 CPM, background only. Without OR charging, maybe 2 CPM, specialized neutron counter.

Before alternative energy research took over David’s life, he was a high school Principal, so he has a Masters Degrees in Secondary Education and Educational Leadership. He was one class away from a third Masters in Educational Technology when he made the decision to retire at age 55. His life since retirement has been focused on remodeling 3 different houses, working to restore a ‘71 Toyota FJ55 “Iron Pig” and accompanying his wife on wine tasting trips, adventures in the forests, and quiet time with their dogs.
PRESENTATION: This is a demo of a practical application of the concepts taught in Tesla’s Bifilar patent and what happens when that knowledge and other forgotten concepts are applied in generator construction.

RS STAFFORD – One of the most prolific builders and replicators in the Free Energy, alternative energy field. RS has been following and building John Bedini’s technologies before most people ever heard of a Bedini SG. At the 2017 ESTC, he presented “POOR MAN’S SPLIT THE POSITIVE BATTERY SWAPPER”.
PRESENTATION – BEDINI FERRIS WHEEL FULL DISCLOSURE – DEMONSTRATION INCLUDED – RS will bring this massive Bedini Energizer to the conference, better known as the Bedini Ferris Wheel. It has 3 coils underneath as well as a hub motor that works on the principles of the Radix Space Boots. It runs on a 36v battery bank and charges a 36v battery bank – that is the configuration when John Bedini demonstrated this back in 2010 or 2011. BOTH the front and back battery banks stayed charged up while producing a lot of mechanical work. For the first time ever, the entire machine will be disclosed in its entirety.
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